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27th March 2020

Coronavirus if you are in treatment

We have been asked if patients receiving treatment should stop or reduce their treatment, in the belief that this may help their immune system during the Covid-19 epidemic.

It is important that you should not change your treatment without first referring to your clinic for advice.

It is possible, under the present circumstances, that hospital visits may be reduced in order to limit face to face contact, and this may mean that certain treatments, for example chemotherapy, could be shortened or temporarily postponed. However, this must be done only on the advice of your supervising doctor. The medical history of each patient will be considered fully in making any decision, which always will be in the best interests of patients.

If you develop cold/flu-like symptoms, you should follow the government guidance and, in addition, contact your haematology team so they are aware.

Government advice can be found here.

The CLL Forum has issued this latest advice for all CLL patients. This advice comes from the main CLL doctors in the country and now supersedes all previous advic.

We will keep you updated if any of the advice changes.